
vrijdag 12 oktober 2018

Still or again flowering in october

The beautiful yellow David Austin rose Graham Thomas is flowering again.
This is an English rose, with cupped blooms. It has a wonderful fragance.
I love English roses because there are flowering for a long time and these rose plants are healthy and strong.

The last days it is very warm, like summer, 24 C. 

This purple pink Phlox is still flowering in the garden. I have many Phlox plants they are perpect garden plants.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Such beautiful roses! I don't grow many roses because they seem to require so much care, but when I see beautiful blooms like these I am tempted to plant more. I do grow phlox, however, and was happy to see many re-blooming as well. Thanks for visiting me--your photos are beautiful!

  2. Kan inderdaad opnieuw in de bloei zijn gegaan want zelfs mijn 1-jarige staan weer te bloeien en in de knoppen!!??? Echt wel bijzonder in deze tijd maar ja, het weer is dan ook echt nog "zomers".
    Hele fraaie foto's.


  3. Hoi Els, ik weet niet waar je woont maar in vogelkijkhut Wissenkerke Noord-Beveland ook grote kans een groenpootruiter te spotten. Fijne dag. Groetjes Caroline


Thank you very much for you comment !